
Perseids Peak Takes Center Stage In Night Sky

And Courtney Green, who was watching from the West Midlands, tweeted: “Meteor shower was quite cool tonight, saw so many shooting stars!” The meteors we see are those particles, most no larger than a pea, burning up in the atmosphere as Earth crosses Swift-Tuttle’s orbital path. The Perseids produce more visible meteors than any other annual meteor shower.


The Perseid Meteor Shower is back, and it promises to be an epic display this year! Shower activity really picks up around midnight, he said.

>>Video: If the weather cooperates in your area, this may be your best chance in years to see the Perseid meteor shower.

“It’s worth going out in the evening, even if you can’t stay up late”, he said.

Lincolnshire, the Pennines, Yorkshire, Southern Scotland and South Wales are all good places to observe the shower – but there will be plenty visible in the South of England as well. The meteors will appear to originate near the constellation Perseus in the northeast, but they’ll streak across the sky. The naked eye is enough to see the meteor showers. Fireballs are meteors that have a magnitude of -3 or brighter. For every bright shooting star you see there are always fainter ones, and this will make it easier to see the fainter meteors and ring up the numbers.

The best time to view a meteor shower is early in the morning, a few hours before sunrise when the sky is darkest.

Huge explosions sparked at a warehouse for risky material in the northeastern Chinese port of Tianjin have killed at least seven people and injured hundreds, officials and state media outlets said Thursday.


The Shenandoah National Park is holding a special presentation on Wednesday August 12 at 9 the Byrd Visitor Center.

Astounding meteor shower snap is captured