
Perth Chicken Shop Teaching A Chicken To Use Twitter

Betty is a chicken.


This seems to be because Betty the slave bird has to tweet a four letter word to be eligible for the Guinness Book of World Records.

This is absolutely vintage Betty – loads of letters, numbers, spaces and symbolsReally exploring those punctuation keys hereKeeping it succinct, and getting straight to the pointAnd then her first word. Bum. At least not the kind of tweeting that involves 140 characters and the interweb. So far, it’s been fairly incomprehensible, but Betty the chicken wrote “bum8” the other day which got everyone really excited. This tweet may have been a cry of refusal to her human overlords.

The chain was able to force their prisoner to do free labor by placing a computer in her chicken coop so she can walk and peck all over it, generating tweets.

A company in Australia is bringing new meaning to the phrase “chicken scratch”. If Betty doesn’t deliver, could she find her way into a burger?

It’s a promotion from Perth chicken shop Chicken Treat, who are actually hoping to teach Betty to tweet a real word.


None of the blame can be put on Chicken Treat, surely – a recent video uploaded by the chain shows the rigorous training they put Betty through to prepare herself to tweet.

Betty is trying to be the world's first chicken to use Twitter