
Pet owners raise concerns about wire-like material in Pedigree dog food

Because PEDIGREE is manufactured using meat and bone meal, it’s possible for natural fibers, like pig hair, to appear in the finished kibble.


Ashley Wamsley been feeding her dog, three-year-old Sophie, Pedigree dog food for years, but the other night something online caught her eye.

Dog owners are looking for answers after finding what they say looks like wire objects in their Pedigree dog food. She said she found more wires throughout the food. “The bottom dropped out of my stomach because we found it at the bottom of a bag, so she’d eaten most of that already, so I was just horrified”.

A northern Kentucky woman discovered the same mysterious situation when she checked her dog’s food Monday after seeing a post on social media. “Wires all through it. Every piece of food!”

Another photo shared by a dog owner in Dallas.

PEDIGREE is encouraging anyone with concerns to contact them directly.

Some people are saying the alleged wires are actually pig hair, which can be thick and “wiry”, easily mistaken for actual wires.

Pedigree Pet Supplies is responding to a barrage of pet owner complaints asking why the popular dog food has “fibers” in its food.

Dog owners across the country are anxious about what ingredients are going into their beloved pets’ food. “It’s like fishing line wire”, Gerving said in the video.

Pedigree said the fibers that customers are finding are natural, like pig hair, and come from bone meal.

Pedigree has responded on its Facebook page to comments, with representatives saying that the fibers are normal.

“You trust that these companies that make dog food for your pets are good quality control”, says Jennifer Cessna. Customers have complained on Facebook.


Vito of Adelaide, South Australia, commented on one of Pedigree’s Facebook posts: “Following on from all the other comments – my dog has also become deathly ill since eating the new formula”. Snopes has the rumor listed on its website and the verdict is “undetermined”. “It looks like a little piece of metal that is bendable, but enough to where if you rub it across your hand, it kind of hurts”, said Presser. The only precedent is a 2014 recall by the FDA of certain brands of Pedigree dog food for containing metal fragments, but these were loose in the bags of food and not embedded in the kibble.

What's in the Dog Food?