
Petition seeks to reinstate Planned Parenthood to state campaign

Kyleen Wright of the Texans for Life Coalition noted that the attorney general’s office recently raided three Planned Parenthood facilities and seized documents and other information as part of that effort. “Everybody has their own belief system, and that’s fine, but people should have the opportunity to do so if they choose”, Rispoli said. The move came after the state began investigating the tie between the university and Planned Parenthood in light of a series of 11 videos exposing how the abortion company sells aborted babies and their body parts. “It is hard to understand how a research study approved by the University, conducted by a University student, and over seen by the Director of the School of Social Work at the University can be perceived as anything but an expenditure of public funds to aid in Planned Parenthood in improving “its services to better meet the needs of women seeking abortions” in clear violation of Missouri law”.


Sen. Schaefer, who led the state investigation of Planned Parenthood, said, “Many unborn lives will hopefully be saved as a result”.

“It’s not a ton of money in the scheme of our giving”. The foundation’s activities have been scrutinized throughout Hillary Clinton’s run for president, including whether donors gave to the foundation to curry favor with Clinton and former President Bill Clinton, as well as questions over its bookkeeping practices. “And we expect that based on this whistleblower, more fraud will be established”.

“… Because in recent years we have already successfully pursued a fraud claim against Planned Parenthood that yielded a multimillion-dollar settlement”, says Wright.

Jordan Hoyt, a member of Mizzou for Planned Parenthood, said she, a legislator, another student and a faculty member met with Loftin Tuesday afternoon to discuss the university’s decision to cancel contracts with the health care provider and revoke refer-and-follow privileges for Colleen McNicholas, the only doctor qualified to perform medical abortions at the Columbia Planned Parenthood clinic. Stiles said Planned Parenthood was sent a notice in time.


After many citizens across Arizona learned that Planned Parenthood Arizona was purposefully excluded from the State Employees Charitable Campaign, they channeled their fury into swift and proactive responses.

University of Missouri Chancellor R Bowen Loftin speaks to Mizzou Alumni during a meet and greet in St. Louis