
Phil Robertson sends message to Ted Cruz: ‘You lost, he won’

Meanwhile, a Trump staffer named Meredith McIver has come forward to take responsibility for inadvertantly plagiarizing Michelle Obama in the speech, casting the blame away from Melania and her husband.


As he appeared on stage, Cruz basked in a minute-long standing ovation.

During the hotly contested primary battle, Cruz and other Republican contenders had vowed to support the eventual nominee, so many had expected him to endorse Trump.

Host Jimmy Fallon impersonates Donald Trump by re-enacting his entrance at the Republican National Convention in OH this week on July 19, 2016.

Like Cruz, Franks did not have nice things to say about Trump during the primary.

“All right, that was pretty well-orchestrated”, said Cruz, a Republican U.S. senator from Texas who waged a bitter campaign against Trump. And, said Lankes, who campaigned for Cruz in Wisconsin, site of his greatest victory, and in, site of his final defeat, “the people here wouldn’t listen to him if he did”. Today, more than ever, I am honored to work for such a great family.

As Cruz began winding up his speech, the convention hall grew noisier, with some chanting “Trump”.

Clinton said the first day of the Republican gathering had been “surreal”, comparing it to the classic fantasy film “Wizard of Oz”. Just as Cruz was telling the crowd the GOP had its nominee, Trump’s plane flew overhead as some in the crowd booed.

The episode was tough to watch for Vanila Singh, a Woodside resident who had been a Cruz delegate before joining Trump’s slate.

But Wednesday, The New York Times Magazine published a story that muddied the waters about how he came to be Trump’s “first choice”.

“I think he’ll say something, give a sign of where he is on Donald Trump that will be pleasing to the Trump campaign and Republicans”, Manafort said.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called Cruz’s decision “totally selfish”.

The Trump campaign contested this account to CNN on Wednesday and did not respond to requests for comment by The Magazine.

Both have endorsed Trump.

“Some who feed off of the fears and anger that is felt by some of us and exploit it feed their own insatiable desire for fame or attention, ” Kasich said in the speech provided to Bloomberg. “And when Donald Trump does his talking, he doesn’t tiptoe around the thousand new rules of political correctness”. Instead, Cruz talked about conservative ideals that could form the backbone of a future campaign.

“You just stepped on your best act”, Whitmer said.

But he urged the group to “follow our conscience”, “unite behind liberty” and “empower the grassroots”, all signals to the deep organization Cruz assembled in finishing second to Trump to be ready to jump back into action in four years.

Senator Ted Cruz take the stage on the third day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, July 20, 2016.

“I support it 100 percent”, said Dalton Glasscock, a Cruz delegate from Wichita.


“The question is if they do something tonight to try bringing those religious voters on board, and if so, what they do and whether it will be effective”, Liz Mair, a Republican strategist who has worked to oppose Trump, told BuzzFeed News in an interview Wednesday.

Melania Trump Stole Part of Her Convention Speech From Michelle Obama