
Philando Castile Shooting Had ‘Nothing to Do With Race,’ Officer’s Attorney Says

President Barack Obama called on law enforcement to root out bias in its ranks, saying the Minnesota and Louisiana shootings were symptoms of a “broader set of racial disparities” in the justice system that aren’t being fixed quickly enough.


Clarence Castile said the family will hire someone to conduct an independent investigation. He informed the officer he had a gun, which he had a permit to carry concealed. “We have a diverse population spread throughout the state”.

One protester, 29-year-old Damond Laurance, said: “It’s everything adding up”. We’re going to stand up as a community and fight against anyone who believes that murder or any violent action by those who are sworn to protect us should consistently go unpunished.

Both officers involved – four-year member of the department Blane Salamoni and Howie Lake II, who was on the force for three years – were placed on administrative leave and had prior “use of force” complaints.

Sterling was killed outside a Baton Rouge, Louisiana, convenience store, an event caught on video by at least two bystanders. Instead, he was surrounded by millions of onlookers, most of whom, I feel certain, suffered with and for him. “And we know white drivers are less likely to be pulled over”. “It’s not acceptable. We have to be able to come together and lead by example”, she said.

The Minnesota police officer who shot and killed a black man after a traffic stop had nothing to do with race, the presence of a gun did, says the lawyer for the officer involved in the shooting. He died a short time later at a hospital. She said that Yanez shot Castile after he reached for his identification.

There were two officers, including Yanez, who claimed they pulled over the vehicle as a result of a suspected match of Castile to an armed robbery suspect from several days earlier.

Demonstrators gather outside the governor’s residence Friday, July 8, 2016, in St. Paul, Minn., where protests continue over the shooting death by police of Philando Castile after a traffic stop Wednesday, July 6, in Falcon Heights.

The Minnesota Department of Public Safety Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) is conducting an independent investigation into the incident.

With a post on his personal Facebook page, he is also highlighting the potential power of the company’s relatively new live-streaming function.

Officer: “Shots fired Larpenteur and Fry”. The protesters were rallying in response to the death of Philando Castile, who wa…

After the mayhem in St. Paul and the shooting deaths of five officers in Dallas last week, some experts say that authorities may take a tougher approach to demonstrations of this kind. Two civilians were also injured. He was killed by a robot-delivered bomb after a standoff with police. According to his girlfriend, Diamond “Lavish” Reynolds, he was stopped for “a broken tail-light” and then the police officer shot him when he reached for his identification. The races of the officers who were shot have not been released. “A gun was recovered at the scene”.


This is horrifying, and very telling about where these officers’ heads were. She recalled cautioning him to always comply with police, but she said she never thought she would lose him. They should have been following protocols to take cover and order the driver and passengers out of the auto by gunpoint, he said.

Philando Castile from the'Justice for Philando Castile Facebook page