
Philippines: No concession to China in sea row win

Land-locked Laos, which is boosting economic ties with China, will be hosting a security meeting later this month at which the South China Sea issue is expected to dominate.


Pimentel urged China and other nations to “respect such reasonable and objective ruling”, as he maintained that the Philippines would continue to “respect the right and freedom of innocent passage and navigation of all vessels and airplanes in and over the area”. He noted that Australia was not a party to the case and should not, in any way, intervene in the dispute. While the decision is legally binding, there is no mechanism for enforcing it.

“Ms. Bishop’s assertions are completely wrong”.

“Japan is not a state directly involved in the South China Sea issue, and thus should exercise caution in its own words and deeds, and stop hyping up and interfering”, Li said, according to Xinhua.

After three days of hard talks in Brussels to reach a common position, the European Union said all sides should resolve the maritime dispute “through peaceful means, to clarify their claims and pursue them in respect and in accordance with global law”.

China is now mustering all its resources to counter the South China Sea judgement by a five-member global tribunal appointed by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) which has struck down its “nine-dash line” claim on nearly all of the South China Sea that was based on its arguments that the islands and reefs were discovered and administered by the Chinese for over 2,000 years.

Moves by China earlier this year to place anti-aircraft batteries and radar systems on disputed islands in the South China Sea, called the East Sea by Vietnam, have threatened peace and stability in the region, a Vietnamese government spokesman said in February.

An arbitration court in The Hague ruled this week China has no historic title over the waters of the South China Sea and that it has breached the Philippines’ sovereign rights with its actions, infuriating Beijing, which dismissed the case as a farce.

The Chinese Government has released relevant statements and a White Paper stating its solemn position of firmly opposing the arbitration and not accepting or recognizing the award, he said.

Lu said Beijing has already lodged a diplomatic protest with the Australian Embassy for the “wrongful statements” issued by its leaders about the recent ruling on the South China Sea.


The statement came after days of wrangling over wording as eastern European Union countries, including Slovenia and Croatia which also have territorial disputes before the tribunal, diplomats said. The ministry said it has the right to establish an air defense zone to protect its rights.

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