
PI Reveals Casey Anthony’s Diabolical Plan To Pin Daughter’s Death On Family published a insane report today (May 24) claiming Anthony had sex with her lawyer Jose Baez to pay for her legal fees.


According to several Gossip Extra exclusives, Casey Anthony is now living in the El Cid area of West Palm Beach at the house of Pat McKenna, another PI who worked on her case.

A private investigator hired by Jose Baez, the defense attorney for Casey Anthony, claims Baez admitted that Casey Anthony killed and buried the body of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.

In his deposition, Casey said he remembered when Baez scheduled a TV interview for Anthony, but she didn’t want to do it.

“He told the website: “[Baez] called the network saying they would have to take a raincheck, hung up the phone and said to Casey: “You now owe me three b******s”.

“I reminded her that Baez had more than enough money from the network he sold the photographs to pay for her defense”, he said.

“That night, I told her that she can not allow him to continue engaging in this behaviour”.

Anthony was arrested in 2008 and charged with the murder of daughter Caylee after her remains were found close to the Anthony home. She was also accused of lying to police.

Proceedings began in May 2011, and Anthony was cleared of murder July 5. I arrived at Baez’s office unexpectedly one day and once again, witnessed a naked Casey.

Dominic Casey said he quit working for Jose Baez and the Baez Law Firm on October 1, 2008.


Prosecutors in her murder trial recently spoke out about the case. Casey had to give testimony this January in Casey Anthony’s bankruptcy case, and this information he had kept to himself came out. She recently filed documents to open a photography business.

Unbelievable Douglas Casey claims that Casey Anthony paid Jose Baez (above in 2011 for his legal services with sexual favors