
Pig jumped from a moving truck to escape the slaughterhouse

A pig had tried to make herself safe from slaughterhouse and she finally did it by jumping from the moving truck in the way to a slaughterhouse.


According to the report, the brave little piggy named as Babe, after her attempt of freedom in china.

A witness said the pig climbed over the backs of her fellow porkers before leaping out of the slaughterhouse van.

The local police adopted her and gave a new chance to live her life.

On spokesman from police said “If we hadn’t have got to her, she would have undoubtedly found herself at the end of a blade wielded by a local who would have enjoyed pork for days to come”.

Babe is being kept at the police station and is living happily in a pen usually reserved for a police dog.


Pig jumped from a moving truck to escape the slaughterhouse