
Ping pong polls: Numbers suggest Liberals leading, days after Conservatives

“I just wish that people who keep trying to come up with excuses for the Liberals’ opposition to things like child care would realize that you shouldn’t be ransoming support for one political party on the on the backs of families who desperately need affordable child care”, Mulcair said Thursday in an interview with the Star.


No one during this election campaign has chosen to recall that one of Harper’s predecessors, the Conservative Prime Minister William Mackenzie King – a friend of Churchill, whose diaries reveal him to have been deeply anti-Semitic – turned away more than 900 Jews fleeing Hitler’s Germany when their ship arrived in Canada before the Second World War. “And Stephen Harper should apologize and remove those restrictions now”, he added.

Members of the RCMP grab a protester during a campaign event by Conservative leader Stephen Harper in Surrey, B.C. Thursday, October 8, 2015.

Harper rejected a report that his political staff were involved in the refugee selection process. Voters leaning toward the New Democratic Party may eventually switch to the Liberals in order to defeat Harper, they said.

Mulcair outlined his indigenous peoples platform in front of skeptical First Nations leaders in Alberta.

Earlier in the election campaign, the Syrian emergency materialized as a potentially important ballot-box issue in Canada. We have committed to ceasing military action in Syria and Iraq and immediately admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees, with an additional 9,000 admitted each year for the next four years.

The Conservative government said in late September that it would speed up the processing of refugee applications to bring thousands Syrians and Iraqis to Canada by the end of the year.

In the face of the public outcry after Alan’s death, alongside his brother and mother, the federal government eased the rules that had made Syrian refugee claims painfully slow in Canada. Mulcair took aim at the Liberals for supporting Bill C-51 in Parliament and for refusing to denounce the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a massive 12-country trade agreement announced this week.

Mulcair continued his attacks against Harper and Trudeau over their support for the contentious deal, a day after prominent US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton voiced her concerns about the pact.

But May said Green MPs would not be part of any coalition government.

He was also surrounded by piles of groceries – the amount of food, he said, a typical Canadian family would be able to purchase each month with the savings they would accumulate from the tax cut.

“As a feminist, I respect the right of a woman to wear whatever she wants to wear”, said May, noting the Tories “know what they’re doing” by using the issue to exploit prejudice against Muslims. In addition to extended parental leaves, Trudeau has also promised all employees covered by federal labour law would have the ability to ask their employers for flexible work options, according to reports.


Trudeau, in London, Ont., said Harper’s divide-and-conquer approach “is unworthy of the office he holds and he needs to stop”.

Tom Mulcair