
Pinterest debuts visual search tool

Just as Shazam lets you identify unfamiliar songs that you’re listening to, Pinterest now lets you identify unfamiliar objects, which as any DIY-er or crafter will tell you, absolutely essential to getting your next project off the ground.


Classy “catalogue of ideas” app Pinterest has debuted an innovative new visual search system.

Revealed on Sunday, the new feature allows you to select a specific item in a pinned photo and search for visually similar items on the site. It’s even possible to filter visual search results by topic so that it’s much easier to find precisely what it is that you’re looking for.

Photo-sharing site Pinterest has introduced a new visual search function on both their web and mobile platforms that experts say could help increase the company’s profits. When you spot something on Pinterest that you want to know more about, you can tap a search icon and draw a box around the part of the image you’re interested in. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and this is something that Pinterest has taken to heart with its latest search tool. After updating their service with shopping and buyable pins, today Pinterest has introduced another feature, focused on better search options that now allow you to search for similar items within an image you are viewing.

Pinterest engineer Andrew Zhai wrote about the feature on the site’s blog.


A Pinterest spokesperson confirmed to Mashable that the changes on Monday will be available on iOS, Android and on the web.

Pinterest Rolls Out New Search Feature