
Plan To Send Clegg Viral With Tom Hanks Video

It was secretly filmed while Mr Clegg was still leader of the party in the run-up to the 2015 General Election.


Everyone is going insane over a recording of Nick Clegg re-enacting a Carly Rae Jepson music video in Gravesend, only no one has seen it…

According to The Times, the project was hastily scrapped after Clegg has second thoughts on the wisdom of the project, which contained little or no messaging on Lib Dem policies just months before a general election.

But the video will never be released by the Liberal Democrats because “once seen, it’s never unseen”.

In the original video, Hanks walks the streets of Manhattan, high-fiving passers-by.

An unnamed source told The Times that the video was aimed at proving the party was “fun” and that Mr Clegg had insisted it would not be “too po-faced and serious”, but “it made no sense”. However, Clegg swiftly realised that the video was a misstep, asking friends “Why the f– did I do that?” after a day spent in front of the camera.

But where Hanks is shown walking through the streets of NY, the Lib Dem video replaced the Big Apple with Gravesend in Kent.

Mr Clegg announced his return to frontbench politics this week after being made the European Union spokesman for the party.

“Although, I doubt it could have made the election result any worse”.


The Lib Dems’ election expenses showed £7,800 had been paid to Create Productions of North London. The Lib Dems pulled out all the stops for it by putting up nearly £8,000 in funding.

For his own version filmed ahead of the election last year Nick Clegg skipped along the streets of Gravesend Kent