
Planned Parenthood a vital health care provider

In the second episode of “Human Capital”, produced by the Center for Medical Progress, whistleblower Holly O’Donnell alleges that Planned Parenthood often harvests the tissue and organs of aborted babies without the knowledge or consent of likely distressed pregnant women.


An anti-abortion group known as The Center of Medical Progress says the secretly recorded conversation proves Planned Parenthood sells fetal tissue for a profit which if true, would be a violation of federal law. However, a vote on defunding the organization held in the US Senate on August 3 failed to pass because of a lack of support from Democrats.

Planned Parenthood received more than $500 million in government funding in its last fiscal year. “There’s a lot of quiet pro-life support in our region, and we’re hoping for people to come out now and say they don’t want their tax money going to this criminal, murderous organization anymore”.

Planned Parenthood has responded by saying they obtain written consent to obtain the baby’s body parts from the mothers before the abortion.

On July 14, Planned Parenthood released a statement that clearly stated any tissue donation is done with “full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards”. This is especially true for women (and men) who have no other access to health care. Each of those practices is against federal law.

“We have to help women”, Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity in an interview that aired Tuesday night.

On Monday, a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge denied the Center for Medical Progress’s motion to dissolve a temporary restraining order awarded to StemExpress on July 28.

O’Donnell is identified in the video as a former StemExpress employee who worked in two of Planned Parenthood’s California clinics, and she appeared to have been aware that she was being videotaped. In another video, the president of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Director’s Council haggles over compensation for fetal tissue procured through abortions. It mentions Planned Parenthood numerous times – although Jacque admits he has no knowledge of the organization selling fetal tissue in Wisconsin.

I would look at the individual things that they do, and maybe some of the things are good, and maybe, I know a lot of the things are bad. “And these mothers don’t know”.

“If the Justice Department had integrity, it would immediately open an investigation into whether those Planned Parenthood officials who confessed to felonies on camera indeed committed criminal conduct”, Cruz said.


Having said that…I still love how, rhetorically, he is keeping illegal immigration on the front burner and making it a talkable subject again!

States, religious groups, colleges, retirement homes file Supreme Court briefs