
Planned Parenthood asks Florida court for emergency ruling

State and federal law require that the same treatment be given to an infant born-alive after an abortion as to a normally delivered baby (1 U.S.C. 8, CA Health and Safety Code 123435).


Huh. Planned Parenthood’s defenders are generally the same folks who require clear consent for a kiss in a college dorm room.

Pink is standing with Planned Parenthood, which is facing shocking accusations and calls from Republicans to cut its federal funding. “The Agency looks forward to litigating this matter”.

Planned Parenthood will fight these attacks on our patients and all Louisiana women with everything we’ve got”, Flournoy said.

Planned Parenthood said AHCA had long agreed to define the first trimester of a pregnancy as the first 12 weeks of pregnancy or the first 14 weeks following the last normal menstrual period.

Bonin said the resolution states the city’s official support for Planned Parenthood’s “safe and affordable health care services”, education and outreach programs and the “life-saving and cutting-edge research” done by the organization. Planned Parenthood says it has operated in the state under those guidelines for the past 10 years with no previous controversy until now.

“We will take immediate actions against these three facilities for performing second trimester abortions without a proper license”, said AHCA spokesperson Shelisha Coleman.

The emergency injunction, which was filed Monday, August 17, comes after Gov. Rick Scott ordered Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration to inspect 16 Planned Parenthood facilities. But they said the rules were justified because of “the potential illegal sale of tissues from aborted children”.

At least one other non-affiliated clinic was also cited by the state.

Planned Parenthood officials say the organization regularly publishes a tally of the abortion procedures performed at its clinics but disputes that any of those procedures were “unauthorized”, as the state claims.


Senator Kurt Schaefer (R-Columbia) chairs the senate committee investigating whether Planned Parenthood is violating any laws in Missouri in its handling of fetal tissue.

Planned Parenthood Clinic in Grand Rapids Michigan