
Planned Parenthood: Claims Untrue

Anti-abortion groups have expressed hope that Congress might cut off federal funding that goes to Planned Parenthood for family planning and other non-abortion services.


At one point, the woman identified as Gatter jokes: “I want a Lamborghini”.

Republican state lawmakers are renewing their calls for a state investigation of Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin after the release of a second video showing a national Planned Parenthood official negotiating the donation of human fetal tissue. At what appears to be a restaurant, Gatter discusses the price of the tissue with two Center for Medical Progress actors. The letter said Daleiden was involved in secretly recording Planned Parenthood staff and patients at least 65 times over the last eight years, potentially yielding thousands of hours of recordings.

Sound Off! supporters weigh in.

The trafficking of human organs has been a federal crime in the US since 1984; however, Planned Parenthood has claimed it donates the specimens, charging only for the expenses it incurs, which is standard across the medical field. “These represent serious legal and ethical breeches for which Planned Parenthood must be held accountable”. This isn’t because Planned Parenthood is guilty of profiting from the sale of fetal tissue, as the activists alleged, but because it has long been the target of harassment campaigns by extremists who infiltrate clinics and illegally film footage they can then “deceptively edit” to fit their anti-abortion agenda. But a statement on the site Monday said the center “follows all applicable laws in the course of our investigative journalism work”, and promised that “more clear evidence that Planned Parenthood routinely profits from the sale of baby parts” was coming. “And then, if we want to pursue this, mutually, I’ll mention this to Ian [the surgeon] and see how he feels in terms of how he feels about using a “less crunchy” technique to get more whole specimens”.

But Houston Coalition for Life, a pro-life group that offers free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds just outside Planned Parenthood’s building, says they feel sure there are fetal tissue transfers being made. “The tape gives the suggestion that they were pretty close to crossing them, and I think that’s especially worrisome”.


For years, Christie never publicly used that as a reason for his actions in New Jersey, instead saying he nixed millions of dollars for the centers, which included some run by Planned Parenthood, because of either budgetary reasons or because the services could be found elsewhere in the community.

Planned Parenthood says video part of decade-long harassment | The Columbian