
Planned Parenthood responds to results of Gov. Scott’s investigation

“We’re going to stand up for the sanctity of human life”, Vander Plaats says, “and hopefully we end the subsidies to such a dark organization”. “The termination of the provider agreement(s) with Planned Parenthood Southeast Inc. will be effective fifteen (15) days after receipt of this letter”, it read in part. “As a doctor and Alabama’s Governor, the issue of human life, from conception to birth and beyond, is extremely important to me”.


“There are 131 [organizations] that are federally funded that offer all of these services and there are 73 that are run by charitable organizations, so there’s really no need at all for Planned Parenthood“, Garrett said.

It’s clear the DOJ cares nothing about Planned Parenthood allegedly breaking the law and is hellbent on persecuting someone or a group that simply exposed truths about the organization.

Clark said that they’d also received donations in the name of David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress, Daleiden’s organization which recorded and released the undercover videos that have resurfaced abortion in the political conversation.

The action would potentially strip Planned Parenthood of more than $500 million in federal funding.

Scott last week ordered AHCA to investigate 16 Planned Parenthood clinics that perform abortions.

Trump was on conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt’s show, calling on Republicans to shut down the government if Democrats don’t agree to defund Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood maintains that it has done nothing wrong and that it is the subject of a smear campaign by anti-abortion activists.

“There hasn’t been a moment in our history, when we were pushing forward on reproductive health care rights and access for women, that someone wasn’t after us”, Richards said in an interview.

Planned Parenthood from its very beginning was founded by someone who believed it was a eugenesis”, Santorum said, adding that he believes Planned Parenthood is dehumanizing unborn children “like they were trying to dehumanize blacks many, many years ago”.

“Everybody who looks at these videos objectively says, “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.’ And clearly, nobody put words into these physicians” mouths”, Newman said. And an executive council in New Hampshire moved to cancel their contract with Planned Parenthood.

CMP spokesman David Daleiden said, “This is now the fifth member of Planned Parenthood leadership discussing payments for aborted baby parts without any connection to actual costs of so-called tissue ‘donation.’ Planned Parenthood’s system-wide conspiracy to evade the law and make money off of aborted fetal tissue is now undeniable”.


“The questionable actions that they have been in the news for of late makes it imperative to me that we just drift way from an organization that would do some of the things that they were reported to doing”, Rep. Nordgren said.

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