
Planned Parenthood shooting suspect to make first court appearance

The gunman in the Colorado Springs incident was identified as 57-year-old Robert Lewis Dear.


Chief Judge Gil Martinez told Dear, who was in handcuffs and leg irons and strapped into a padded vest, apparently for his own safety, that if convicted, he faces a minimum sentence of life without parole or a maximum of death. Police have said a full investigation will take at least a week, but additional information about the hours-long attack continues to come to light.

President Barack Obama said Tuesday he hopes the shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado spurs conversation and action on deterring gun violence.

The rampage killed police officer Garrett Swasey, 44, and two others – Ms Jennifer Markovsky, 35, a mother of two; and Mr Ke’Arre Marcell Stewart, 29, an Iraq War veteran and father of two.

As officials seek more clues to the possible motives of the suspect accused of opening fire at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs – killing three and injuring nine others – details of a violent past emerge. He says investigators have been in touch with the Justice Department’s Civil Rights and National Security divisions.

McCarthy contested suggestions by Planned Parenthood’s defenders that harsh language from the organization’s critics has helped create a hostile political environment.

Fiorina denied her statements were over the top and she said she would not back down from those previous statements.

Conservative House Republicans have said they want some “pro-life” language, such as limits on Planned Parenthood, in the funding bill in order for them to vote for it.

Officials said almost 2,000 individuals are newly diagnosed with HIV each year in Los Angeles County, calling the epidemic one of the county’s most pressing public health issues.

The Colorado district attorney said he has been in touch with U.S. Attorney John Walsh’s office about the case.

Huckabee said if it turned out the shooter was motivated by anti-abortion videos, such as those released by the Center for Medical Progress, then the pro-life community should publicly condemn him.


Chris Christie talked of “the systematic murder of children in the womb to preserve their body parts”, while Marco Rubio asked on Twitter: “Where is all the outrage over the Planned Parenthood dead babies?”

Analyst Dan Payne says Carly Fiorina seen here on Nov. 14