
‘Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2’ Includes New Exciting Characters, Maps

The Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 beta is now live according to EA and Pop Cap. Just download it to your console once it becomes available and start blasting Zombies with Peas.


Those that jump into the PvZ: Garden Warfare 2 beta will have the Backyard Battlegronud hub world to play in along with six multiplayer modes on four maps.

Beta players will have access to Flag of Power, a King of the Hill style mode which sees you trying your best to raise a while enemies attempt to stop you.

Quest Board – Visit the Quest Board for a list of dynamically updated challenges that will reward you for every completed event, and increase your XP multiplier.

Six new playable character classes including Rose, Citron, and Kernel Corn for the plants, and Imp, Super Brainz and Captain Deadbeard for the zombies.

Other options include two 24-player modes – Herbal Assault and Gardens & Graveyard – and a bunch of cool characters.

The Backyard Battleground is the surprise addition to Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2.

There is also the 24 players online mode.


Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 will be available on on February 23 in North America and February 25 in Europe for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Each Character is created to embrace a specific role on the battlefield with their own unique personality and abilities.

Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Exclusive Gameplay