
Play Democratic debate bingo

He said no, obviously.


Candidates, Schroeder said, will have “more time you have more chance to go in-depth on ideas”.

At the end of this debate, you will realize that not a single one of these candidates is different from President Obama and if they are, it is only because they want to take what he has done and expand on that. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), can generate the same level of interest in their primary campaign.

The premiere Democratic debate of the 2016 campaign season, sponsored by CNN and Facebook, will kick off at 8:30 p.m. ET from the Wynn hotel and casino in Las Vegas.

“She’s been losing a few of her support and it’s a question of reminding those people drifting away from her why they liked her in the first place”, Schroeder described.

The Democrats have allowed the radical left to take over their party, and that is evident by the fact that they were absolutely obliterated in the last midterm election, the shocking reality that infanticide isn’t enough to make them even reconsider federal funding to Planned Parenthood, and the total lack of effort to even talk about the massive financial crisis our country is facing. Research by the Women’s Donor Network showed that out of 42,000 elected officials nationwide, 90% are white and 71% are male. Here is a list of a few of the debate watch parties we know about in the Puget Sound area.

For the first time, all five Democratic presidential candidates will be in one room to debate hot-button issues Tuesday.

Clinton will always be on the defensive on this issue among Democrats for her vote to authorize the Iraq War.

Asked by CNN’s Jim Acosta as he arrived to inspect the debate stage whether he would clash with Clinton, Sanders said he instead was looking to get serious about issues. They agree we need to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision that paved the way for super PACs and unlimited corporate spending in politics. We will be sending out notifications of on Twitter all night.

CNN chief political correspondent Dana Bash and CNN en Español anchor Juan Carlos Lopez will join Cooper as questioners. She’s been hunkering down and doing her homework – including holding mock debate sessions with top aides who have been playing the parts of Sanders and Martin O’Malley.

Our team found a question right at the start.

In stark contrast to Republican race, the Democrats have spent far less of the campaign talking about each other, leaving Tuesday’s debate as an intriguing forum for their policies and records to be compared and contrasted. “Championing reform of government and the political process is the price of admission with these voters”.


Tenney has coached dozens of politicians preparing for interviews and debates. “Look at the non-traditional candidates”, Schroeder remarked noting he was unsure “how much they’re really strategizing this event”.

Podiums are set up on the stage at the Wynn Las Vegas which will host the first Democratic primary presidential debate for the 2016 election on Oct. 13 2015