
Playing Pokemon Go has health benefits too

But is it a fad, or a stayer?


Cemeteries are a popular place to catch ghost Pokemon.

The game’s virtual world interacts with real life locations, and a number of game sites are now active in the territory.

Survey Monkey shows that Pokemon GO is making an average of 25 cents everytime a user logs into the game, making it a bigger game than Candy Crush Saga. The first are known as PokeStops, which are buildings or places of note around a city where players swing by to grab some extra Poke Balls and potions. Lure Deals is a separate company from Nintendo that sets up lures helping small and local businesses compete with national brand shops and restaurants. If you run out of Pokeballs and other supplies, you’ll need to run around to various PokeStops to get more. With my team still too weak to contend with those of other, more dedicated players, I chose to forego the competition and instead retreat to Library Park to bolster my roster.

Each Pokemon in Pokemon GO comes with two random moves which can be used in the Gym Battles.

Pocket-lintWhat is Pokemon Go Plus?

One item that can be placed on PokeStops is called a “lure module”. Players have opportunities to make real-world cash for game world actions by signing up with Lure Deals. One easy way to do this is to capture every Pokemon you encounter – even duplicates – because your avatar will gain XP for each capture.

Smartphone game Pokemon GO officially launched in the United Kingdom on July 14 – and has taken the country by storm, with people roaming the streets to find and catch the best Pokemon, take over gyms and raid Pokestops for power-ups. The fact that it has already created stories of strangers meeting and new friendships being forged is great, but for each one of those has been one of gamers getting lost in a mine or almost the victim of robbery.

Some PokeStop owners are asking to be removed.

Where are the Pokestops and Pokemon in Brighton? But don’t try and cheat on the train or auto – the distance won’t count if you’re travelling too fast.

We hit the streets to test out the game and soon met other players getting involved. Speaking of battery, the Pokemon GO Plus won’t take all of the strain off of the battery in your smartphone, but it should help it a bit.

“My parents don’t allow me to go out, so I switch between rooms and roam around in the house to catch Pokemon”, she said.

If you want to play, walk around, as the game actually rewards players for walking. Now catching and collecting Pokemon is one thing as it lets you send the Pokemon to Professor Willow for his research but battles are another thing.

In a nutshell, Pokemon Go revolves around your location, Global Positioning System and a Pokemon version of Google Maps, complete with the creatures themselves waiting to be discovered. While it might just be a few dollars off for them, it spreads your brand online. Considering how alluring the stops are, you may even befriend some other determined Pokemon players in the area, too.

Where to now for the game? It’s yours until they figure out how to repay the favor.


The game is Global Positioning System based, so it is innovative as well, which urges people to explore their neighbourhood.

Niantic has issued banning for Pokemon GO cheaters who use GPS spoofing