
PM Trudeau to address Parliament after elbow to lawmaker

“[Duncan] noted that the way this House has been engaging, the way indeed the government has been behaving over the past while, has perhaps led to this incident”. But obviously the prime minister was not due any hint of approval today.


“While an apology is absolutely essential, that is not sufficient”, Davies said. He cleared his throat. The prime minister said he agreed the matter should be studied at committee, but opposition MPs are continuing to rise in the House to discuss Van Loan’s motion.

“I noticed that the member, the Opposite member whip, was being impeded in his progress”, Trudeau said later to the chamber.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s apology was given to MP Brosseau in the House of Commons shortly after the incident was brought to his attention.

“If anyone feels that they were impacted by my actions, I completely apologize”. “I expect better behavior of myself”.

“I sincerely apologize to my colleagues, to the House as a whole and to you, Mr. Speaker, for failing to live up to a higher standard of behaviour”, Trudeau told a rapt Commons as the shockwaves from Wednesday’s eyebrow-raising scene continued to reverberate.

“In a situation like this, there’s no alternative except to stand up and take your lumps and say, “I was in the wrong. I apologize”, he said”.

When he returned to his seat, there was great applause from the Liberals, and some applause from Conservatives and New Democrats. Trudeau himself has had several chances to correct any mis-hearings and has not. John McKay, standing over him, offered a few words and then the fatherly act of a stiff pat on the upper arm.

One thing MPs did vote Thursday was to have a parliamentary committee consider whether Trudeau violated any parliamentary rules, and whether he should be punished.

Leave it to the Internet to take the moment and run with it. Conservative David Sweet would later reflect on the significance of Trudeau’s training in the martial arts. – Conservative MP Candice Bergen.

This would be a day for solemn speeches and expressed disappointment. This most recent attempt at contrition was lengthier, carefully delivered, and spoken in low tones.

‘He should be ashamed, ‘ Ambrose said in a statement. Not merely with another apology, but with action.

Trudeau didn’t exactly defend his government’s behaviour.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and many other senior European Union officials say they want Britain to stay.

“More importantly, it would be a good time to show some respect for the democratic voice of Canadians when it comes to changing the way we vote in this country”.

Until the government can fix it, the federation said, the Supreme Court of Canada decision in Carter gives regulating bodies enough direction to guide the medical profession.

You can’t blame Ambrose for trying.

So much for “sunny ways” in Canada.

Debate on the physical molestation collapsed after question period.

LeBlanc said the motion was required to increase debate and ensure the government’s proposed legislation gets voted on. “He’s likely to get a bye once, but not if this manifests itself again”.


“I have never seen a display of bully behaviour by a Canadian politician, let alone a Prime Minister, as I witnessed just now in the Chamber”. It will linger, but it might pass.

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pauses while responding to questions after delivering an apology in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Thursday