
Pokémon Go Automatically Granted Access To Users Gmail & Documents

Users from a lot of other countries including the US, UK, Brazil, and Italy are downloading the game. Al Franken (D-Minn.) sent a letter to Niantic, the company behind Pokemon Go, posing a series of questions to clarify how the company will handle user information. Google has also confirmed to ABC News that it will soon reduce the game’s account permission so that it can only access the most basic profile data required for the game to function.


“Pokemon Go”, a new augmented reality gaming app, requires players to get out and explore the world around them in order to capture and collect various Pokemon characters.

However, that code does grant a certain amount of access to a user’s Google-held data to the third-party application. It is unclear exactly what their economic interest is in the game, but we presume that out of every 100 units earned at the app store, 30 would go to Apple, 30 to Niantic, 30 to Pokémon and 10 to Nintendo. While they have a number of smartphones and other digital devices in their possession, none of them support internet.

At the release, Nintendo saw a sudden and steep rise in its stock.

Users can turn off the permission by accessing their phone’s settings.

Although, there is a warning each time you start the game to be sure to pay attention but that warning is quickly overlooked.


Popularity of Pokemon Go seems to be increasing and there are no signs of it stopping, but you have to admit that Chinese players have gone to another level of desperation. So if you plan to attend, please be mindful of your surroundings and enjoy your unlikely dominant-culture ascendance safely! “We regret to inform you that due to the overwhelming response to our new Pokémon Go app and the need for more powerful servers we can no longer afford to keep your account as free”, the email reads. While the game is available on various torrents and app hosting websites, some can even download them using a VPN to tunnel through the three countries.

Pokemon Go players trying to jump fence into cemetery.                      WXYZ