
Pokémon Go is “new level of invasion”, says stony-faced Oliver Stone

Its very existence, however, suggests that Snowden is keen to use the brand he’s been cultivating to push the global conversation about surveillance and privacy forward.


Snowden is set to hit theaters on September 16.

Huang was quoted by WIRED saying “They’re overseas, in Syria or Iraq, and those [governments] have exploits that cause their phones to do things they don’t expect them to do”.

Snowden’s iPhone device, known as an “introspection engine”, aims to prevent surveillance by alerting a user through either messages or an audible alarm to when the radios were transmitting anything when they were meant to be off.

There’s also an alarm which alerts you when the phone is snitching on you, and the case would be capable of disabling all radios on your phone to prevent whichever nefarious organisation you suspect from knowing where you are. The pair also point out in their paper that minimal phone hardware design changes, such as grouping radio control test points together, could make it easier to develop the introspection engine for future smartphone models.

‘Their smartphones are also the ideal tracking device, ‘ Huang and Snowden explained in a paper describing the invention. The conspiracy movie trailer premiered after Stone said to the panel that Pokemon Go is a slippery slope to totalitarianism. They envision the device could be used by journalists who want to ensure their iPhones don’t reveal information about their locations when in airplane mode.

The device would work by using wires run through the SIM card slot to examine electrical signals from the phone’s two antennas to see if they were transmitting, Wired reports. (He notes that he still hasn’t “seen any indication” that the United States government has been able to determine his exact location in Russia.) “Since 2013, I haven’t been able to have a smartphone like normal people, ” he says. “We got there eventually but it was a painful day”. A working prototype or product is in the works and is expected to debut next year. “He’s one of the hardware researchers I respect the most in the world, ” Snowden says.

“I don’t think anybody looks forward to having a movie made about yourself, especially a privacy advocate”, Snowden explained.


The paper cites the tragic death of American journalists Marie Colvin, who is renowned to be tracked and killed by the Syrian forces in 2012.

Edward Snowden Helping MIT Team Build Spy Proof iPhone