
Pokémon Go is now the most popular mobile game in USA history

Nintendo shares have risen to a six-year high on the back of the fantastic success of Pokemon GO, seeing the firm’s market value climb 86 per cent since last Thursday, reports Reuters.


In other words, Pokemon Go has become the biggest mobile app – not just game – in United States history. Unfortunately, others have made Pokemon GO out to be a clear and present danger to society, which is arguably overreacting to the game’s nearly Beatle-esque popularity among mobile titles.

The game, which officially launched in America just over a week ago, is an app-based augmented-reality edition of the popular video game franchise and sees the fictional creatures superimposed into real life settings. Developer Niantic has not only made a good Pokemon game on mobile but it actually gets people moving, and that’s one of the best ways to appeal to a casual market. When will the nifty Pokemon GO peripheral arrive in your region? Still, the main take-home thought appears to be this; Pokemon GO may be all the rage, but should nonetheless be played responsibly, safely, and with respect for certain establishments.

According to theofficial Pokemon GO site from The Pokemon Company, the Pokemon GO Plus allows you to play some parts of the game without opening your phone. Chief executive John Hanke said in an interview that it would be technically possible to launch in China, but noted a host of complex rules and restrictions. The company received $20 million in Series A funding from Alphabet, Nintendo and Pokemon in October 2015, and $5 million more from the same and other investors in February 2016. Download it for free in the App Store. And while an global rollout for Pokemon Go is reportedly in the works, it may not happen as quickly as everyone thinks. Any smartphone with a stereoscopic display and onboard accelerometer for motion sensing – standard features in today’s smartphones – can be inserted in the device to generate 3D scenes with associated audio, that the user can enjoy in interactive, immersive VR or AR mode.


“People still remember the time when the Wii and the DS became a hit and boosted Nintendo’s shares”, he added, referring to the company’s popular game consoles.

Pokémon Go is Literally Taking Over the World. Here's What Marketers Can Keep in Mind