
Pokémon Go launches in Essex and Hertfordshire

Just in case you’ve been living under a rock lately, Pokémon Go has swept the nation by storm. You need some help. Some users are unable to login, while others report that they can briefly login, but the app keeps signing them out.


To ensure the game remains sustainable, it is typically better to gauge uptake and player retention, give subscriber numbers a chance to stabilise, and then roll out further. So be mindful of where you’re walking to, especially at night. Distracted game users might not be aware of their surroundings or use caution when entering into isolated areas. Limit where they can go in your neighborhood and remind them to never interact or go anywhere with strangers.

China’s recent ban on the use of English language in video games available in the country along with the requirement of a Google account (blocked in China) to play Pokémon Go, it is highly unlikely that the immensely popular game will be coming to China, which could be a huge blow to Nintendo as it is the largest video game market in the world with $7 billion in revenues a year ago. “While doing so, we remind community members to always focus on what’s in front of them, and to never go anywhere the public isn’t normally allowed”.


Provided its servers holds out, there is no reason to believe we won’t see the game become officially available in South Africa soon.

Tip: Find Pokémon Go stops and gyms using the official Ingress live web map