
Pokémon GO users asked to stop playing at Holocaust Museum

They are both reportedly also Pokestops, where players can collect virtual items like snacks and medicine for Pokemon, but officials at the museum are trying to get it removed from the game.


That included the area outside the Helena Rubinstein Auditorium, which features recorded testimonies from Jews who survived the gas chambers.

The Helena Rubinstein Auditorium encourages guests to use their mobile phones to take pictures of exhibits to spread the word about the horrors of the Nazis’ so-called “final solution”, but games are not deemed appropriate.

“Technology can be an important learning tool, but this game falls far outside of our educational and memorial mission”, Mr Hollinger said.

Hollinger says playing the game seems disrespectful, especially while visitors are inside the Hall of Remembrance. They believe playing the game in the museum is a form of disrepect.

The authorities at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington has urged visitors to not chase Pokemons on the premises as it is “extremely inappropriate”, BBC reported.

There has been no response yet from game developers Niantic Labs on whether it could stop Pokemon creatures from appearing inside the Holocaust Museum.

“In its choice of city landmarks, the game’s algorithm often chooses delicate or inappropriate locations”.

The US Holocaust Memorial Museum and Arlington National Cemetery have requested that smartphone users refrain from “catching” Pokemon when they are visiting.

The Loudoun Street Pedestrian Mall in Winchester, proving a popular spot for people of all ages hunting for Pokemon while playing the popular Pokemon Go game on their cell phones.


Northern Territory police were also prompted to warn players to not come inside the Darwin Police Station after it was made a Pokestop.

Arlington National Cemetery, Holocaust Memorial Museum ask visitors to stop playing 'Pokemon Go'