
‘Pokémon’ Movie Coming From ‘Guardians of the Galaxy,’ ‘Gravity Falls’ Writers

It is an adventure game spinoff for the Nintendo 3DS that puts a talking Pikachu in the role of a Sherlock Holmes type detective, investigating and solving mysteries.


What do you think about the writers who might bring Great Detective Pikachu to non-animated life? Perlman is best known for penning Guardians of the Galaxy, and it slated to write for the upcoming Captain Marvel as well. Although writer/director James Gunn claimed he didn’t use a single word of Perlman’s script, Marvel must have seen something they liked, because they now have her working on Captain Marvel. Hirsch, meanwhile, is the creator of the terrific and intricate animated series Gravity Falls which ran for 70 episodes between 2012 and 2016.

Announced last month, the Detective Pikachu movie will mark the first ever Pokémon live-action film. However, he is a great detective.

Universal will distribute the film outside of Japan, per their usual arrangement with Legendary. The game came out in Japan in February and will be coming out in the rest of the world at some point.

Details from the movie are scare but we do know that production begins in 2017 and that this is a collaboration between Legendary Pictures (who secured the rights) and the Pokémon Company.


I’m a big fan of both writers, so I’m excited to see what sort of Pokemon movie they’ll turn out.

Detective Pikachu Movie Sets Writing Pair