
Pokemon Fail: Japan Asks Tourists Not to Play at Sacred Shrines

The smartphone game has now been launched in more than 40 countries, including the U.S. and much of Europe, but Japan – where Nintendo Co started the mythical creature franchise 20 years ago – was kept waiting. Players will be able to “battle” their Pokemon against other players at McDonald’s locations.


After experiencing server issues during its first weekend on sale in the United Kingdom, the game is once again failing to connect for many players.

While Niantic and Nintendo are likely mining data from everyone using the app, they aren’t the first to do so.

Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority also said Friday that it has urged operators of nuclear power plants and other nuclear-related facilities to tighten security in order to prevent possible trespassers.

Japan has warned its citizens about the dangers that can be caused by playing Pokemon Go.

This history of public adoration made the launch of Pokemon Go all the more successful. In my opinion, how quickly the casual scene moves on to the next game is entirely dependant on how fast Niantic can make improvements and add new features to Pokemon GO.

“We wanted to build a game that would inspire people to go outside, get exercise, discover new places and have fun with their friends”, Niantic Chief Executive Officer John Hanke said in a video posted with the release.

High-school student Mamiko Amaha, 16, was immersed in Pokemon Go with a group of girlfriends in Tokyo’s historic Asakusa district in search of Pokemon characters, as crowds of tourists strolled around. In general, race or ethnicity have no effect on who plays video games, according to a 2015 Pew Research Center report.

Pokeman Go uses augmented reality – a real-world environment modified by computer-generated images – and satellite-based navigation to place digital images in settings like homes, offices, streets and parks.

To give Niantic credit, I don’t think anyone could have anticipated such a simple game from a “forgotten” franchise could turn so many normal humans into beings ripped straight from the pages of Stephen King’s “Cell”, as they wander around populated areas, staring down at their phones.

Pokemon Go Guide: Which Eeveelution Will Your Eevee Evolve Into? The idea behind the Pokemon Go game is that you get out, walk, and interact with like-minded people while catching the little creatures.

Fans have complained about the latest bout of Pokemon Go outages on Twitter, suggesting that the servers are down more than they’re up.


Be wary of where you’re going.
