
Pokemon GO Addresses Recent iOS Privacy Issue

United States technology consultant Shelly Palmer says Pokémon Go is proving to be “enormously” popular since developer Niantic Labs opened access in America on July 6.


Researcher Adam Reeve first noted this security risk, then went on to clarify that this is only the case for iOS users, while it’s different for android users.

If players don’t want to wait for Google to reduce Pokemon GO’s permissions, they can revoke the game’s permissions here, but players will be unable to log in using their Google account.

An enterprising user reportedly took the initial release in Australia and New Zealand and made it available to the US on launch day before the servers were ready.

“I catch myself nearly walking into things, so I’ve kind of started playing a little bit less in the street”, said Henry Mendez, 32, a parking valet from Los Angeles.

“Please be aware of your surroundings and always use best practices for personal safety no matter where an app tells you to go”, wrote West Windsor Police Lieutenant Robert Garofalo.

After 24 hours of hearing about it non-stop, I broke down and downloaded the game.

Pokemon Go, released this month and invested by Google and Nintendo, allows players to capture virtual Pokemon monsters based on the user’s location in the real world.

Some players are already seeing the marketing potential.

“It looked like I was trying to get a photo of the guy next to me”, he said.

On Monday, Jonathan Makepeace and his buddies Nick Anderson and Ethan Ingersoll were tracking a Pokemon creature in Central Park.

CNBC is reporting that Nintendo’s share prices have seen a massive 25 percent spike since the worldwide rollout of Pokémon Go began last week.

Hal Schoolcraft is hooked too, and he’s far from a millennial.

The kindly professor who sets you on your way in Pokemon GO gives you a supply of Pokeballs to start out your adventures, but you’ll quickly discover that they aren’t enough to catch ’em most, let alone all. “I was walking off the sidewalk and bumping into plants”.

Some observers are less enamored with Pokemon Go than others.


While some are boasting about the game’s ability to create community, Smith says it appears short-lived.

Sameer Uddin and Michelle Macias play Pokemon Go on their smartphones outside Nintendo's flagship store in New York