
Pokemon Go ‘could lead to totalitarianism’, Oliver Stone warns

Shailene Woodley attends the “Snowden” press line on day 1 of Comic-Con International on Thursday, July 21, 2016, in San Diego. “It’s the biggest new fastest growing business ever and they have invested a huge amount of money into what surveillance is – it’s data mining”.


Stone added, “They’re data mining every single person in this room for information as to what you’re buying, what you like and above all your behavior”.

The 39-year-old actor is the latest to speak about the new augmented reality game, in which users are encouraged to go out into the real world and “catch” the digital creatures based on their location. “It’s what they call totalitarianism”.

The issue has since been fixed, but it didn’t stop Stone from slamming the app, calling it a “new level of invasion” and a form of “totalitarianism”, saying the game could help usher in a “robot society”.

The devise is called an “introspection engine”, they say.

The 33-year-old computer expert, who gained notoriety when he leaked classified documents detailing the USA government’s domestic surveillance programs, called in via Google Hangouts to answer questions about the Oliver Stone-directed film, Snowden. Fathom Events and Open Road films announced the Snowden Live event Friday. A United Kingdom release date has yet to be confirmed.

The device, dubbed “introspection engine”, would be a plastic case created to slide over an Apple iPhone 6, and will monitor the phone’s internal antennas to detect incoming and outgoing signals from the cellular, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or Global Positioning System chips, alerting users of any snooping attempt.

The device is nothing more than a case extension that gets plugged into the iPhone’s SIM card slot and connect’s to the phone’s internal wiring.

In the past, it was proven that nation-states used surveillance malware to infect a target’s phone and turn on the phone’s radio signaling component, while not alerting the phone owner of the component’s real status.


The device would come with a small mono-color screen that will flash an alert when it detects a transmission that shouldn’t be taking place.

Oliver Stone is convinced Pokémon Go will usher in totalitarianism