
Pokemon Go gets big Comic-Con stage, creator talks success and future

Hanke jokingly said the timeline for the feature would follow them being able to make sure “the servers stay up”.


And while players are rewarded for the amount that they decide to walk, you also need a bit of luck when coming across new types of Pokemon that you haven’t already caught.

John Hanke, founder of Niantic Labs and developer of Pokemon Go, was welcomed with loud applause from more than 6,500 fans on a stage usually reserved for star-studded presentations from movie studios and TV networks.

Pokemon GO is now available in certain countries.

With so much buzz about VR lately, some may wonder why Pokemon Go focused so heavily on Augmented Reality rather than going down the headset route. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! There is a “laundry list” of things the team still wants to fix.

Niantic Labs filled almost 6,000 seats at a San Diego Comic-Con auditorium to talk about Pokemon GO, and some juicy information was on tap from the company’s CEO John Hanke. He also assured fans that Niantic is exploring ways to prevent players from exploiting certain features, such as players who poach gyms immediately after they’ve been won.

Hanke has called the trading system a “core element” to the game.


During the Pokemon Go panel, which featured John Hanke, chief executive of Niantic, an image of the three new characters was shown, you can take a look at it below. They even stated that the current build of the game is only 10 percent of what they set out to accomplish, so that sounds like we will see a number of huge changes as the updates come.

Pokemon Go gets big Comic-Con stage, creator talks success and future