
Pokemon Go global rollout halted due to ‘server issues’

Niantic CEO John Hanke has guaranteed players that they are working double time to resolve all the game’s issues.


Still, if you want to check to see which version of the game you’re playing, Proofpoint has a few tips.

It is a free-to-play augmented reality mobile game developed by Niantic for iOS and Android devices. To let one search the Pokemons in the real world it uses the camera and Global Positioning System of the smart phone and let the users catch those pokemons with the help of a Pokemon Ball.

Pokémon Go was initially released in apps stores in Australia and New Zealand on July 4 and was followed by a USA release two days later. The infected app silently installs a backdoor on the players’ Android phones, which compromises the devices.

There has been a lot of excitement surrounding Pokemon Go since its announcement a year ago but unfortunately, the app launch has been marred by server issues due to sheer demand.

While Pokemon Go was first released in NewZealand, and Australia in July 4, and in US July 6, the rest of the world may have to wait for the release news, and this might be where the malicious files brought up.

The official Pokemon Go Twitter account recently gave an update on the server issues, writing: “Thank you for your patience”.

But fans aren’t just installing the game – they’re sticking around to play. The game’s popularity has reached its zenith which is evident from a friendly tweet from Amazon CTO Werner Vogels, who suggested Niantic to use Amazon’s Web Services cloud-hosting service.

Pokemon Go is now available only in selected regions, which include the United States, Australia, and New Zealand.


It also says those who are anxious about installing the malicious version of the app should check their app settings and the permissions that have been granted to it. While Pokemon GO is based on another title, Ingress, any game is going to have a greater chance of success when it features one of the most popular franchises ever.

Pokemon Go could be coming to the Holo Lens in the future
Jack Wilkinson Email @Tehjackuh
Jul 10 2016 at 3:47 pm