
Pokemon Go is a huge security threat, says security firm

There have also been other issues with the game, or rather, the players – there have been reports in the US of people causing major traffic pile-ups while searching for the ‘mons, finding a dead body while trying to find a natural source of water in Wyoming, and armed criminals luring teenagers into a trap in Missouri.


We heard earlier that Pokemon GO had launched in Germany on Android and now it looks like the game is also available on iOS.

It seems the Pokemon Go roll-out in Europe has started.

We’ve tried to install the game in several European markets, including the United Kingdom, and it was not available yet. Sadly, as with other Nintendo games, it may never see the light of the PC – as of a few days ago.

Niantic have shared new details about the game, including warnings on only downloading the game from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Based on the 1990s Japanese franchise, the augmented reality game topped Apple Inc’s free app charts.

Pokemon fans are preferring to play the game over going to a date.

Gizmodo reports that information has been discovered that suggests one of Pokemon Go’s sponsored locations could be fast food giant McDonald’s.

There is no doubt that “Pokemon GO” has turned the world upside down.

Before you open Pokemon Go on your iPhone, make sure you have updated the app to the latest version 1.0.1 which was released July 12.

Pokemon Go is all about catching Pokemon. “Meanwhile, while walking, Pokemon tend to pop up in the ‘wild” as they do in the beloved video games.

According to the post, Google has verified that no user information had been accessed by Pokémon Go or developer Niantic other than basic Google profile information, specifically, user ID and email addresses. And just how far will you go for it?

But Pokemon characters are appearing in unexpected places, and some trouble has been reported overseas, including reports of characters appearing in the Holocaust Memorial Museum or the 9/11 memorial.

Everyone is playing Pokemon Go, the long-awaited and hotly anticipated game co-created by Nintendo.


Polygon has figured out how to acquire the little yellow Pokemon, but it’s not immediately apparent, so there’s no doubt that many players have already missed the opportunity.

Pokemon GO