
Pokemon Go is Live in the United Kingdom

While puzzle phenomenon Candy Crush Saga has around 20 million daily active users, they claim Pokemon Go has already reached 21 million. The augmented reality RPG has been plucking that nostalgia string for children of the 90’s, while also immersing newcomers to the franchise with a take on the games that fans have been clamoring for for literally decades. The augmented reality game is quickly becoming popular that some people are already considering it as phenomenal.


Several lowa police departments are warning players of the smartphone game Pokémon Go to be aware of their surroundings for hazards including muggers and traffic. Nintendo does however own a share of The Pokemon Company, which produced Pokemon Go in partnership with Niantic.

While you may be asking for trouble playing games in a Holocaust museums, many people have encountered issues with the game in places they least expect – including a 19-year old Wyoming boy who found a dead body in the woods near his home.

The St. Louis Craigslist advertisement offers players a driver for two people for an hourly rate of $50, “so that you and your friends can catch them Pokemon”.

Make sure Pokemon Go is updated to the current version.

“Pokemon GO” issues continue to surface even after weeks from release.

Launching originally in Australia and New Zealand, USA and Japan, the game has become a smash hit.

The anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church in the United States is the location of a “gym” in the game, and players planted a pink “Clefairy” Pokemon called Love is Love there. It is a follow on from previous Pokemon games and is taking the world by storm.

The game uses your Global Positioning System and real-world aspects, combing them with the peculiar world of Pokemon. Tell us about your Pokemon GO discoveries and best catches!


“Pokemon GO” players spend money on the game to buy items, but report that they are experiencing difficulties in finding the needed items in their accounts. “I think that if Android users are able to have so much more privacy – allegedly – then that is something that should also apply to iPhone users… and I’m not just saying that as an iPhone user”.

     WARNING A charity claims Pokemon Go could be used as a'gateway for paedophiles