
Pokemon Go is Now Available in Germany

I catch the Pokemon. Alternatively, lazy players who don’t want to search for a PokeStop can simply buy them.


Once close enough, tap on the icon to enter the gym. The mobile app has taken us by storm and the momentum isn’t over just yet – so far Pokemon Go is only available in a handful of countries including the U.S., Australia and New Zealand! It is unclear exactly what their economic interest is in the game, but we presume that out of every 100 units earned at the app store, 30 would go to Apple, 30 to Niantic, 30 to Pokémon and 10 to Nintendo. You’re on a mission to capture Pokemon characters (there are over 100 to find) all around you.

“Everyone is playing”, Rodas said.

Hatching eggs require a good long walk, often kilometers of it. However, people are finding new creative ways to not walk around and still be able to progress in the game, as demonstrated by a viral video. Pokemon Go has been available in a few countries since last week.

Evidence of the craze is easy to spot.

Scan surroundings through smartphone camera to see Pokemon.

Chatter ranges from shouted Pokemon sightings to consultations about where to recharge phone batteries.

However, Pokemon are cheeky creatures and may not enjoy being captured, and will try to jump out of the ball. The game now lists the President’s residence as a Pokemon gym. Beyond the digital appeal, users say they enjoy how the app encourages them to explore their towns and cities and interact with others.

People are so addicted to the game that the number of daily active users playing the game are more than the popular social network website Twitter.

So what is augmented reality and how does it work with this game? People are going to bad areas and getting into trouble.

Gaming website Kotaku already reported on the first Pokemon creature found in the White House and that isn’t all.

The company is now working on having only basic Google profile information, like user IDs and email addresses, in order to have a Pokemon Go account.

During events, she asked all participants to “avoid using smartphones when walking”, and recommended that “Pokemon Go” players, too, should keep that in mind. You have to collect things to which you have no emotional attachment because you’ve never played Pokemon before, for no particular reason, and at a very slow pace, under certain network conditions.

Police have urged players not to venture into places that are risky or off-limits, and to watch out for criminals who may turn them from hunters to prey.

When the Professor appears and tells you to “Catch a Pokemon”, walk away from Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander.


Concerns have also been raised about whether data collected about players and their whereabouts is being kept private and safe.

These da Vinci College students on a break from class are playing Pokémon Go- trying to capture a Beedrill