
Pokemon Go: Japanese Government Issues Warnings, Advice to Players Ahead of Release

Pokemon Go’s servers have been repeatedly shut down due to traffic overloads. A report that the game would finally be released in Japan on Wednesday raised expectations, but turned out to be false.


The country’s National Center of Incident Readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity released a one-page flier advising players to watch the weather, where they walk and look out for scams, among other things.

Gamers in Japan, home of Nintendo’s Pokemon, are still impatiently awaiting the launch of the smash-hit Pokemon Go game but the Government is already preparing for an invasion of little cartoon monsters, issuing a safety warning.

Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a press conference Thursday that “looking at the examples overseas, people need to use their smartphones safely”. Shares of McDonald’s Japan are up 16 percent this week, lifted by speculation that the chain would be involved in the release of Pokemon.

Pokemon Go has been an incredible success since its launch in a handful of countries earlier this month, now with more daily users that Twitter.

Representatives for Nintendo and Niantic Inc., the developer of the game, have not responded to messages seeking comment.

Apple is also expected to gain billions thanks to Pokemon Go, and it’s all going to happen because of users’ addiction to the title.

Takahashi said he was fascinated with the game and unhappy that it has been already released elsewhere but not in Japan, even though it is the birthplace of Pokemon. An AP reporter was able to capture a Pokemon character on a colleague’s chair. “In the USA, people are accustomed to slow networks, to server outages”, he said.


Developers are working intensely on the Japanese version of the smartphone-based game so that it runs smoothly, the company said.

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