
Pokemon Go Makers’ Face Senator’s Questions on Data Privacy

By early Wednesday, about 1,300 Pokemon GO users had reported problems accessing the game in Australia over the last two days, according to website


Pokemon Go uses smartphone satellite location, graphics and camera capabilities to overlay cartoon monsters on real world settings, challenging players to capture and train the creatures for battles. The players in Missouri were robbed after visiting remote “Pokestops”. The company also said it had begun work immediately on correcting their error once it was discovered, and this 1.01 update seems to back that up. While somewhat similar to past versions of Pokemon, Pokemon Go adds a physical component. That has led to lots of fun for most players, but bad experiences for others. With the new game, players are encouraged to traverse their physical surroundings, phone in hand, to find new characters.

“Pokemon Go” is a joint project of Niantic Labs, which spun out of Google past year, and the Pokemon Co., which Nintendo partially owns.

Superdata Research estimates $A18.4 million of revenue in the first week, which equates to $A3.2 million daily from both Android and iOS devices.

“I didn’t go to some big tourist attraction; all I did was walk around for tens of kilometres to play a game”. Keyhole later become Google Earth, and its core technology was used for Google Maps and other location-based products from the web company.

Puca, as well as nine of his friends, spent time playing Pokemon Go after cross country on Tuesday. They are caught by hitting them with virtual balls tossed by swiping across touch screens. However, if you’ve downloaded the new update, it should say “Pokemon Go has access to basic account information”.


If these are correct it would mean that Apple and Google stand to make more money from the craze than Nintendo, which is unusual considering it created the franchise.

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