
Pokemon Go player caught cheating via app

The Pokemon GO app has taken the internet by storm with players attempting to “catch” Pokemon in different real-time locations using Global Positioning System.


Evan Scribner, from Queens in NY, didn’t take the game’s advanced Global Positioning System tagging capabilities into account when he made a decision to open Pokémon Go and start playing it while at his ex-girlfriend’s house in Bushwick, Brooklyn.

Pokémon Go is an “augmented reality” app that combines virtual characters with real-world maps through a cell phone’s geolocation function.

Evan Scribner says his girlfriend found out he was cheating because of Pokémon Go.

And that means anyone snooping around a player’s phone would be able to see his or her whereabouts at a given time.

And since the game tracks the locations where you’ve caught Pokémon, she saw that he had recently been in Bushwick and put two and two together.

Unlike Scribner, some players claim the game has given them lady luck.

Looks like the app is also useful for catching cheaters, as well as imaginary creatures.

“Pokemon Go is great for my mental health”, one Twitter user wrote on July 11. “I also got laid”, @TruthHurtsCrown tweeted Monday.


Since last Wednesday, Nintendo has already added $7.5 billion to its market value and increased its stock shares by 25 percent.

Evan Scribner's girlfriend found via the Pokemon GO app that he had been at an old flame’s place in Brooklyn New York