
Pokemon Go tough act to follow, says big game studios

After all we’re not talking about a simple game where you can just change up the graphics and mechanics a little, we’re talking about using relatively brand new technology in the form of augmented reality.


On mobile devices, players search for and capture cartoon characters from the Pokemon franchise – displayed in the real world, using the live view from a smartphone camera.

The hype over the recently-launched Pokemon Go has the potential to boost mobile consumption in the country and drive data dependency among consumers, said RAM Rating Services Bhd. “There’s still a handful of the legendary Pokemon they haven’t released yet, so I’m looking forward to when they do that”, Johnson told Reuters in an interview in Tokyo on Monday.

However, there are a few others who argue that Pokemon Go does not define the future of gaming.

Meanwhile, for many game creators, Pokemon Go has shown paths which they can explore in future to come up with something better. However, Niantic managed to somehow pull this off, and some executives who don’t have any plans to copy Pokemon GO are of the opinion that the game’s success was a fad and was attributed largely to the Pokemon brand rather than the game itself, pointing towards the lacking social features such as trading, player chatting and so on.

The Pokemon Company, partly owned by Nintendo Co Ltd (7974.T), is celebrating the 20th anniversary of Pokemon games and their menagerie, led by the rabbit-like Pikachu.

Pan said the ministry will learn from approaches adopted by other countries to address the issue, including issuing a notification to the game’s developer to withdraw locations on school campuses from the game. Rovio Entertainment executive vice president Wilhelm Taht said that “It’s not easy to get people off of their couches” and that “there have been a lot of tries in this area before” without much success. Some of the most popular games have united players in virtual teams, building camaraderie.


Pokemon Go eludes cloning attempts by big game studios was posted in Sci-Tech of TheNews International – on August 09, 2016 and was last updated on August 09, 2016.

National Taiwan University Tuesday