
Pokemon Go Update Introduces New Buddy System

Next to “Pokemon Go” is “Candy Crush Saga” which is only about one-sixth of the total earnings made by the AR game. When trainers have traveled alongside their buddy for a particular distance, players are rewarded with candy.


Serious question, is anyone still playing this game? Seeing as this came two months after the app launched, many have started to wonder exactly how long the Pokemon Go phenomenon will last and how many more updates we should expect.

Despite the doom and gloom news of waning interest in Niantic’s immensely popular augmented reality game Pokemon Go, the company is still enjoying enormous profit off the game, being named the fastest mobile game to get USD$500 million in revenue.

After installing the update, players can choose one of the Pokemons they captured and pair it up with their avatars. The device will save a lot of time and give players ultimate fun. Essentially, a very small portion of a mobile game’s playerbase spends an inordinate amount of money on the game, which is what generates the majority of its profits.

You can’t place buddy Pokemon in gyms.

Here’s how it works: Click your player icon on the bottom left of the main screen and go to the menu on the bottom right. “I think you can expect to see things like that in Pokémon Go”.

Though it’s hardly surprising for Android users to receive the update first, Forbes reported that those who have experienced the much-anticipated Pokemon Go Buddy System only received the patch through APK.

According to Forbes, the new Buddy System provides users with another means of collecting precious Pokemon sweets that can be used not only to power up their characters but also to help them evolve into stronger pocket monsters. The Buddy System is a bit hidden in the options so here’s how to use it. You pick a Pokemon, any Pokemon, and they’ll appear on the map around (or above, beside, and so on) as you wander around. The Buddy Pokemon also can not be transferred to the Professor.

If you’ve seen Pokemon on TV, you’ll know that Ash spends most of his time walking around with a Pokemon, the famous Pikachu.


For starters, who have already started walking with their buddy will realise that once it’s up, they will never be able to de-select the buddy feature. This, then, is a system that potentially keeps that central interest of the game, collection, alive, while not providing an especially easy means of completing a collection through a few good swaps (as a trading system might). You’ll be warned that any progress you have will be wiped out if you make the switch. I would need to walk another 10% of that to even upgrade a 5 km Lapras once. The CEO of Niantic Labs announced that the new Pokemons would be released through events that would really get the players together. After all, your sense of the realities of the game can only be tested by actually crawling into the game world. However, it offers more than giving “Pokemon Go” Candy. Tweaking numbers slightly could make all the difference. In some cases, walking results in getting two sweets at once.

Pokemon Go