
Pokemon Go Wiki Guide: Pokemon Location, Rare, Legendary Pokemon, PokeCoins and More

The game, which marries Pokemon, the classic 20-year-old cartoon franchise, with augmented reality, allows players to walk around real-life neighborhoods while seeking virtual Pokemon game characters on their smartphone screens – a scavenger hunt that has earned enthusiastic early reviews. “And of course, there’s the risk of injury or death from not paying attention to your surroundings as you play the game”, the report added. “So I had no idea what the person was yelling at me”. “Usually, I’m in my room playing my computer games – and since Pokemon launched, I’m outside constantly”. One person posted how she found teenagers in her garage looking in and around her auto for Pokemon, while another said he had already found some kids in his backyard hunting for the cute little creatures, and yet another said a teenager, glued to his phone and playing the game, stepped in front of her vehicle.


Diller says it’s still important for park patrons to stay alert as parks are not aren not well-lit after sundown. Only the enthusiastic bunch will go on to capture every species Pokemon available. Since launch, the game has topped 7.5 million downloads and pulled in an average of $1.6 million a day in revenue, according to estimates from research firm SensorTower. Now these are the requirements to cheat in “Pokemon GO“.

The game’s unprecedented popularity has caused Nintendo’s stock to soar.

Pokemon fans are preferring to play the game over going to a date. He told us that the isolated incidents are probably just byproducts of a phenomenally popular new game.

Malware: So far, the app is only available in the U.S., Australia and New Zealand, which has given cybercriminals an opportunity to capitalize on the demand. On July 11th, iPhone users were clocked in spending an average of 33 minutes on Pokemon GO.

“Who doesn’t want to listen to the Pokemon Go theme song?” he said. While the game may have led to quite a few mishaps, users aren’t ready to stop at anything.


They fixed this problem of where to set up exotic matter locations by asking the players of Ingress to submit places near them that would make good stops.

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