
Police await autopsy to pinpoint cause of injuries in Juneau mayor’s death

The mayor was found death on Monday at his downtown home by his son Ian Fisk, as he went to check on his father after noticing he had missed appointments that day.


Fisk was elected mayor of the state capital in October over Merril Sandford with 65 percent of the vote. The newly elected mayor of Alaska’s capital city was found dead in his home, Monday, Nov. 30, 2015, Circumstances surrounding the death were not immediately known. An autopsy report is expected within several days.

Kalwara, who told the Alaska Dispatch newspaper that those injuries showed “signs of trauma”, added that there was no forced entry into the mayor’s home nor any indication of suicide.

But, its own dearth of a clear cause and the suddenness of his departure also started feelings that Fisk had died an unnatural death. “There’s lots of things that would cause it”.

Juneau Police said the were called to 70-year-old Stephen “Greg” Fisk’s home following a 911 call on Monday.

The office of the medical examiner has authorized an autopsy.

“He’d always look up from what he was working on and wave”, said Sally Schlichting, who lived directly above Fisk for almost 10 years.

The police department said it was aware of a rumor of an assault related to the death of Fisk, but all that is speculation.

Fisk was a former fisheries specialist for Alaska’s commerce department and was a longtime civic activist.

BBC reports that Fisk’s friends have expressed angst and grief over the Mayor’s passing.

Fisk’s campaign chairman, Bob King, said his potential as a mayor was starting to show. It’s also unknown if authorities are considering Fisk’s death suspicious.

City and Borough of Juneau clerk Laurie Sica said on Tuesday that a statement would be released once officials determine the next steps for the city’s leadership.

Mary Becker the deputy mayor and an Assembly member from District 1 confirmed she was stepping up to become the acting mayor, reported a local television station.


“That makes me feel better”, said D.J. Thomson after lighting the candles in Fisk’s memory.

Nov. 30 2015 Juneau Police Chief Bryce Johnson speaks to reporters about the death of Mayor Stephen'Greg Fisk in Juneau Alaska. Fisk the newly elected mayor of Alaska's capital city was found dead in