
Police Cracking Down On Drivers Speeding In School Zones

“They add to it. Kids and teachers, obviously, driving to and from the various schools does increase the volume of traffic”, said Rockland County Deputy Superintendent of Highways Andy Connors.


The traffic unit will be patrolling playground zones, and feeder routes where school buses stop throughout the month.

“That’s why we’re making this effort to inform the public about the dangers of just passing one school bus when the stop arm is extended”, said Cobb Police Sgt. Dana Pierce. “If there’s anything we should follow in the law this is one of the most important”.

Going back to school shopping?

AAA is launching the “School’s Open – Drive Carefully” campaign to remind drivers to use caution.

Marie Police Service would like to remind motorists to be prepared to stop as the back to school season is about to start.

Even if you’re not a student or parent, back-to-school season means changes: namely, slowing down to 20 miles per hour in school zones. Yellow flashing lights indicate the bus is getting ready to stop and motorists should slow down and be prepared to stop.

For more information on bus safety, head over to the NYS DMV’s website.

When the bus approaches, stand at least three giant steps (6 feet) away from the curb, and line up away from the street. And remember road safety begins with you. The only time you can continue driving when a bus has its stop sign out is when you are traveling on the opposite side of the street and there is a median between you and the bus. When exiting the bus, be careful that clothing with drawstrings and book bags with straps don’t get caught in the handrails or doors. No matter how late I am or frustrated I get, I never pass the bus but I will admit it’s tempting.


She credits the time she has spent with her own children in helping her deal with her young bus passengers.

School zone