
Police force ‘would consider’ allowing full burkas for officers

A force spokeswoman said bosses would consider requests from officers who may want to wear the garment, which covers the body and face, although no such requests have been made as of yet.


West Midlands Police are hoping to encourage more women from black and ethnic minority communities to sign up in a new recruitment drive for 800 new officers.

“We would need to consider our own rules and cultural sensitivity”.

He said West Midlands Police had not been asked by any potential recruits about being able to wear the burka, “but if such an approach was made it is something we would have to consider”.

Allowing police to wear burkas would definitely be a progressive move, considering that many countries do not allow them to be worn by anybody.

West Midlands Police have been contacted for comment.

The hijab – a scarf which covers just the head and neck – has been part of the London Metropolitan police force’s uniform for more than ten years and has been introduced by many other forces since – including WMP and most recently in Scotland this June.

One female officer now being trained by the force reportedly already wears a hijab, a headscarf that covers the hair and neck. However, they are seemingly focused on employing a particular type of person, with the force attempting to meet their new, self-imposed quota.

West Midlands Police already allows alterations to be incorporated into the standard uniform for some religions, such as Sikhs wearing a turban instead of normal force headgear.

Currently, about nine per cent of West Midlands Police officers are from ethnic minority backgrounds.

A police department is now aiming to increase its black and minority ethnic staff from 9 percent to 30 percent.


Now no serving officers wear the burka – a dress that covers the entirety of a woman’s face and body, leaving just the eyes visible – but it is hoped the move would encourage more BME recruits.

Police may let Muslims wear BURKA as uniform in effort to boost diversity