
Police searching home on drug charges discover puppy lodged inside drainage pipe

It happened near 35th Avenue and Grant Thursday night after officers arrived at a home to serve a search warrant for drugs.


A puppy trapped in a sewage pipe for at least 10 hours was rescued from a home where authorities were serving a drug-related search warrant, CBS affiliate KPHO reported. They found two dead and two live puppies, an adult dog and the trapped puppy.

The litter of puppies and their mom will be placed with a foster family for about two months before they are adopted out. All the dogs were believed to be strays, the Associated Press reports.

A plumbing company was called in addition to the Arizona Humane Society, and the plumbers eventually sent a small camera down the pipe, finding the puppy 23 feet deep!! AHS’ emergency animal medical technicians were able to monitor the puppy during the ordeal.

The puppy was pulled out of the pipe about 10:30 p.m., much to the relief of the rescuers.

“I’m so relieved, I want to cry”.

“Yet in my five years here, I think this has to be the longest, non-stop rescue effort!”

In this photo provided by the Arizona Humane Society a rescued puppy is reunited with its mother in Phoenix, Friday, August 21, 2015.


Nelson said the puppy’s reunion was emotional.

Puppy stuck in drain pipe reunited with mom at Arizona Humane Society