
Police slam teacher to the ground while saying blacks have ‘violent tendencies’

Have you heard? Violent tendencies apparently inherent in black skin are why some Austin police officers deny African Americans the dignity that they routinely show others with whom they interact.


The June 15 incident involving Breaion King and two police officers happened during a traffic stop. (The resisting charge was dropped, and King says she has retained counsel and may take further legal action, a step that one imagines may have hastened the department’s response.) The officers involved in the stop are being investigated internally and the county district attorney says the case may also be referred to a grand jury. I’m not saying it’s true – not saying I can prove it or nothing.

“Am I treating someone because they’re speeding to lunch like they just robbed the bank?” When she doesn’t get out, the video shows the officer trying to get the woman out of the vehicle and him telling her to “stop resisting”.

A 26-year-old woman was stopped by police in Austin for a speeding violation.

A second video shows Ms. King sitting in the back of a patrol auto, being transported to jail.

“Why are so many people afraid of black people?”.

According to the officer’s report, he says he asked King for her driver’s license, which was in her wallet under the driver’s seat.

There is a choking sound as the cop lifts the 112-pound woman into the air before slamming her down on the ground.

“A group of people looked at this video and thought nothing was wrong with it. That’s alarming”, Moore said.

“I can absolutely stop you if you’ve already parked, yes”. “You were approached in a manner and treated in a manner that is not consistent with the expectations of this police chief, of most of the officers of this police department, and most importantly I think of all of us as human beings”. This moment arrives after one of them, Officer Bryan Richter, violently slams her into the ground.

“Ma’am, you were about to go inside without a wallet, so I know you were only coming here because you know I was coming to pull you over”, Richter responds. The two of them are now out of view of the police officer’s dash cam.

Newly released footage of her June 15, 2015, arrest is the latest in a string of videos showing tense encounters between police and blacks across the country.

Acevedo said Thursday supervisors may not have followed the proper chain of command in the investigation, so he was never made aware of the incident.

Richter then orders her several times to put her hands behind her back. “I believe that Caucasians has more supremacy over black people”. But King tells KVUE she was in fear for her life.

The video of King’s violent arrest-which was only recently released publicly after it came under additional police department scrutiny- has sparked yet another investigation at an American police department.

King: That’s what I want to figure out, cause I’m not a bad black person. “Issues of bias, issues of racism, issues of people being looked at differently due to their color”. King moans. “Oh my God”. In a Friday interview with the American-Statesman, King said she appreciated Acevedo’s apology. “What do we need to do as a community to make sure we change these things in a positive way so it doesn’t continue to happen to people?”


A representative from the Austin Police Association told ABC News it was not immediately clear if Richter and Spradlin “have obtained outside council but all officers are represented by the Combined Law Enforcement Association of Texas (CLEAT)”.

Austin Police Department