
Political Musings — Democratic convention offers hope after early stumbles

We will disrupt their efforts online to reach and radicalize young people in our country.


“We are not afraid”.

“Powerful forces are threatening to pull us apart”, she said.

Even though Clinton spoke of threats at home and overseas, her boarder message was one of hope – a stark contrast to the dark image painted by Trump in his acceptance speech of an America lacking “law and order” and marred by “terror”.

“In a head to head just between Clinton and Trump, Clinton hits 50 per cent and leads Trump 50-45”.

“America, you’ve vindicated that hope these past eight years”.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accepted the Democratic nomination for president Thursday with a speech promising steady leadership in the face of terrorism and an optimistic vision of the nation’s future.

Washington state delegate Jim CastroLang, a Sanders supporter, said President Obama’s speech on Wednesday night showed how the parties differ.

It had been a tough week for Clinton, who was the target of protests by pro-Sanders groups galvanized against the Democratic nominee.

President Barack Obama congratulated Clinton at the conclusion of her speech.

“What nearly always happens when the more centrist candidate gets the nomination, is that voters get the choice between two evils”, said David Meyer, professor of political science at UC Irvine.

Mr Trump was a punching bag at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia, which wrapped up on Thursday night, as speaker after speaker – including some Republicans – said he lacked the temperament to be president.

The Republican presidential nominee brought back the “Crooked Hillary” meme in a tweet where he called Clinton’s speech a “very average scream”.

Millions of Americans have tuned in to watch this month’s party conventions, with the Democratic get-together is ahead in terms of ratings over last week’s Republican event. Her speech offered an olive branch to those unsure about her possible presidency, pointing out that she alone cannot fix our problems – as Trump asserted he could.

Though these actions didn’t last or take away from what was generally a successful convention, Sanders’ supporters’ feelings towards Clinton point to how many Americans feel – they distrust her.

Acknowledging Americans’ anxieties, Clinton is vowing to create economic opportunities in inner cities and struggling small towns. I understand that. I am not going into this with some rose colored classes. People say, “I’m with her, I guess”, with all the enthusiasm of a recalcitrant child being dragged to school at 7:30 in the morning.


“So enough with the bigotry and bombast”. And I promise you, our strength, our greatness, does not depend on Donald Trump.
