
Political Prediction Market has Trump leading Cruz

The protesters at the Capitol say Trump could have had the most sophisticated campaign ever and it wouldn’t have mattered because the system was rigged.


His comments are the latest in a series of complaints about the Republican Party’s system for choosing a presidential nominee. “We’re going to hire somebody to fix those problems and I think Donald Trump has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, he can build things”, he said.

The convention runs from April 29 to May 1 at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport, at 1333 Old Bayshore Highway in Burlingame.

At the same time, Colorado GOP supporters will be gathering outside party headquarters in Greenwood Village to support republican leaders.

The billionaire GOP front-runner has his odds for the nomination at 62%, opening a 27-point lead on Texas Sen.

To get elected as a Minnesota delegate to the Republican National Convention, a candidate must declare which presidential candidate they will represent in balloting – but not which candidate they really support. More than half (52%) of Cruz supporters report an unfavorable opinion of Trump, while 51% of Trump backers says the same about Cruz.

“You know what I think?”

Trump, meanwhile, delivered a stump speech in upstate Plattsburgh on Friday, saying that “Lyin’ Ted Cruz” was controlled by special interests.

“Losing a delegate here or a delegate there, that’s taking away from getting to that 1,237 number and that matters to (Trump)”, Quinn said.

“Well listen, from the very beginning, we’ve run a positive campaign”, Cruz responds. “This is not about who won the state of Colorado”.

Appearing later for one of Fallon’s signature softball interviews, the “Tonight” host slipped in one tough question about the upcoming New York primary: “So New York’s not gonna happen?”

The Trump campaign in IN denounced the threats.

“The Republicans want to play cute with us”, Trump said. “If they try and cheat Trump out of the nomination it will be the second American Revolution”, Kinzi said.


But each state can set its own process of how it designates delegates.

Poll: Majorities dislike Trump, Cruz