
PolitiFact: Fiorina calls Trump’s hand on his changing abortion stance

It was an unfortunate outcome. Essentially, she invited women either on or about to get their period to let Trump know it wasn’t an insult, and that if Kelly had been on her period – not that it warranted comment – it wouldn’t have interfered with her job. If you’re still onboard after what you’ve seen the last few days, you’re either only pretending to be a Republican or you’re happy to skip down the Whig Trail to nowhere. He is the frontrunner, and they should treat him as such.


“Asked how he’d determine whether he’s treated unfairly, Trump said: “‘Fairly’ is an instinct. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul on Monday called Trump “an empty suit” and “a bully” in a conference call with reporters.

The Republican Party created Trump’s campaign.

Trump giving up airtime?” That includes letting him come on television. “Trump, who is the front-runner, will not apologize”.

Michael Briggs, a Sanders campaign spokesman, declined to comment about Trump’s criticism on Tuesday. Just over 37 percent gave him an unfavorable rating.

“Ronald Reagan was a Democrat, and he was sort of liberal”.

The poll has Trump supported by 22% of likely Republican caucusgoers while retired pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson is in second place at 14%.

A message then appears in white on black saying: “Politicians are having fun on our dime while the world is burning” before cutting to Trump’s “Make America Great Again!” campaign slogan. All of them made the same argument. Without the federal subsidy, Planned Parenthood would have less money for abortions.

On Friday, he opened the door to also being on a ticket in direct opposition to Trump or whoever wins the GOP nomination.

Trump, as he has done with the rest of the Republican Party, is just laying waste to the other politicians in this poll.

A week or so ago a group calling itself the Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce summoned several of the leading Republican candidates to California to address them. But Trump supporters also care deeply for the country. “Their Super PACs can keep them alive for awhile, so I don’t think we’re going to see a big falling away quickly like maybe we have in previous cycles”.


My fear is people around the world who may have listened to what was billed as a serious debate could actually believe one of the participants would become the leader of the free world and commander-in-chief of the U.S. military.

Trump Ailes composite