
Poll ranks GOP candidates above Hillary Clinton in Colorado

Brittany Tomes, a 21-year-old university student from Levittown, Pennsylvania, said some characters in the poll’s “dream team” were unrealistic.


Polling data predicts that if Trump were to run in a three-way race against Jeb Bush – the next-in-line Republican candidate – and Ms. Clinton, the votes he would divert from the GOP would keep Mr. Bush from winning, but would not be enough to best Clinton.

Democratic contender U.S. Sen. According to the new Quinnipiac poll of Iowa voters, the former secretary of state would lose by a wide margin to Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio.

Clinton is also scheduled to join the other four Democratic candidates at Friday night’s Iowa Democratic Party’s Hall of Fame celebration in Cedar Rapids. The quip got him in trouble with Clinton supporters, but Clinton’s likability is at the heart of her candidacy in 2016. “They are not happy about anybody [in politics], and this is just another indication of that”.

A Trump campaign spokesman declined to comment when asked if his views have since changed. They argue that this makes hypothetical match-ups largely meaningless. Vice President Joseph Biden does not do as well.

As it turns out, at least a few of this is true.

MusingsAt this stage of an election, these polls should be looked at with a great deal of caution. Strong majorities of Democrats (75%) and Liberals (72%) would vote for Hillary Clinton while those on the other side of the aisle are even more divided.

“This also fits another pattern of hers”, said Todd. The findings were not much better in either Iowa or Virginia. In Iowa, she trails Rubio 36 percent to 44 percent, Bush 36 percent to 42 percent and Walker 37 percent to 45 percent. A Washington Post/ABC News poll put the disparity at 52 percent to 41 percent. (Bush’s case is obviously a bit more complicated; his last name is a political institution, while his first remains a relative mystery.). The candidate denied there was a problem.

“I’m not a fan of her at all“.

But a few Democrats, as well as independent observers, wonder if those kinds of answers really pass muster.

During the Time interview, which was conducted earlier this month at Bush’s office in Dallas, the former presidents talked about their unlikely friendship, their advice for President Obama as he winds down his final term, and the limited roles they say they’ll play in their family members’ respective 2016 campaigns.

Skelley of UVA agrees.


In addition, she has lost ground on the question of being a strong leader. “But she’s been pretty good about asking every now and then”.

Donald Trump What Hillary Clinton did was 'criminal&#39